
Unwind, slow down and relax in comfort, but keep moving: You can do all of the above in the breathtaking tourist destination ‘Ascona’ at Lago Maggiore, but also at home, with the collection of the same name.
Circular patterns with three-dimensional effects, extraordinarily large leaf designs and an artfully imitated landscape are perfectly complemented by a wonderful solid-colour wallcovering with a fine linen-like texture. The range of different patterns are unique and visually eye-catching, and bring playful movement into any room to bring it to life and make it more interesting.
The generous range of colours has something for everyone. Cream, beige or light green, for example, provide a bright and soft colour scheme. Choose from turquoise, brown or anthracite if you want to make a bolder statement. Fantastic metallic effects in gold and silver or delicate glitter particles also add the perfect finishing touch to individual designs and create another brilliant eye-catcher.



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